it or Not . . .
When they play "I've Been Working on the
Railroad" at UT games, all the tea sippers sing "The Eyes of
Texas". What is not commonly known is
that the tune played by the Goin' Band from Raiderland at Texas Tech games is
not just another railroad song called "The Wabash Cannon Ball".
It is, in fact, the long lost "Tech
Spirit Song". Fortunately, the
words have been discovered using an obscure search engine on the internet.
Raider Red plays
it for you on his harmonica, just give him a minute to find his harp.
From the Lla-no Es-ta-ca-do,
united spirits roar,
a cheer for the dark masked rider, and the song of the Matador.
Hear the echoes of our legends, hear the trumpet's glo-ry call,
with black and crimson flying, we will answer one and all.
We are the Texas Tech-sans, and you know why we're here;
We come for a show-down, Red Raiders have no fear.
Our guns up sling-in’ big iron, the brand of the dou-ble T,
we aim to win this shoot-out, and notch Tech a vic-t’ry.
Other traditional Tech songs can be found at:
Music can be downloaded from: