Fanning Family Album
Turner Browning
Eliza Elmira Means Fanning and Isaac Fanning. Mother and father
of John Joseph Fanning, came to Texas in 1849 at the age of 17. His father,
Dr. John Fanning was a pioneer Hopkins County physician or dentist. Isaac
and Eliza are buried in the Pickton, Texas cemetery.
Bart Fanning Family - 1938
Bart Fanning and Esther Turner married in 1933. Bart worked at the
Winnsboro Oil Mill, then NeHi Bottling Company in Tyler, Texas. In 1936
they moved to the Center Grove Community for 4 years, then Newsome, Texas
for 3 years, then back to Center Grove until 1958. Bart was a farmer and
carpenter. After the war, he ran a milk route for Kraft Cheese Plant in
Winnsboro, Texas collecting milk from farmers in Wood County, Texas. About
1950 he and Travis Irby were partners in a hardwood sawmill in Hopkins
County and produced bridge lumber. After that he was a union carpenter,
then for Bruce Sherer Contractor. From 1954 until 1958 he was an independent
contractor working out of the Cameron Lumber Company in Winnsboro, Texas.
He died at the age of 49, and is buried at Caney Cemetery. Doyle Owens
preached his funeral. Horace Russell, sr. gave an impromptu eulogy.
Bart suffered from rheumatoid arthritis the last years of his life. Through
the pain, he worked to the end. Esther worked as a clerk in variety store during that time. After Bart's
death, she moved to Lubbock, Texas. She worked in a couple of ladies' specialty
clothing store. She opened a Mode-O-Day shop in the '60s. After burglars
cleaned out the store one night, she became an hearing aid consultant.
The last years were as a house parent at Texas Baptist Children's Home.
After she was diagnosed with untreatable cancer she lived in special quarters
Pat and Diana provided for her. E. Harold Henderson and Ted Stanley preached
her funeral.
Holiday 1940
Orrin Fanning,
daughter Gwyn, Ella Mae Lineburger, Truman and girlfriend at Caddo Lake.
Signora Browning Fanning and son, F. M.
Siggie taught the adult Sunday School class at Center Grove Baptist
Church. She was regarded as an authority on scripture.
F. M. was in the signal corps and made training films for the armed
forces during WW2. After the war he and Orrin had a wholesale auto parts
business as Fanning Brothers in Longview, Texas..
John Walter Fanning and wife, Fay Fields
John Walter joined the SeaBees at the start of the war. He saw action
in France and in the Pacific. He said a SeaBee was a marine with a shovel
instead of a gun. He sent home great souvenirs and told great war stories.
He was in the wholesale drug business in Atlanta, Texas and later in Lubbock,
Bart Fanning
Our neighbor across the creek and up the hill to the east was Horace
Russell. He was a respected landowner in Hopkins County. He was strong
man with a lusty baritone voice. The songs that resounded across the little
valley between our houses were his original compositions, and he bellowed
them with gusto. His favorite was "Barto, The Preacher's Friend".
I asked Horace Russell, jr. if he remembered the words to those
songs. He wrote me a letter which I have
footnoted with oral tradition from my childhood.
Truman Fanning was the youngest in his generation. He was killed in
action in Belgium January 7, 1945. He is buried at Caney between his parents,
John Joseph and Siggie Fanning.
Truman Isaac Fanning 1943.
Center Grove farm kids 1947
The children of Bart and Esther Fanning claim their heritage thankful
the Lord's mercy has granted us full and productive lives..
And here is a silly panorama of thumbnails of my life. ... Scroll to
see if you are still curious ----------------------------->
Browning Photo Album
F. M. and Tennie
C. Browning.
Bap and La farmed in the Center Grove Community in the southeast corner
of Hopkins County, Texas. They are buried at Caney Baptist Church Cemetery.
Browning Fanning.
Siggie was the only girl, she had 4 brothers. She married John Joseph
Fanning and they farmed in the Center Grove Community, Hopkins County Texas.
They Lived in Lubbock for a few years during WWI. They are buried at Caney
Turner Photo Album
RuthAnn Melinda Martin Turner
Wife of Charles
Turner and mother of Allen Turner.
Allen Turner
Allen Turner was born 09/08/1875 in Douglas County Georgia. He died
07/10/1942 in Commerce, Texas. He was a Baptist preacher - buried at Hopewell
Cemetary, Wood County Texas.
.Allen Turner Family 1922 This
group photo shows all the family members
Winnsboro High School Graduation 1931 Esther
Turner Fanning shown circled.
AllenTurner, Dora, and Ruth 1940
Turner Family circa 1955
Women: Susan Dora Shirley Turner, wife of Allen and mother of
others. Ruth Turner Bacon, Mary Ceil Turner Nance, Esther Turner Fanning.
Men: Finis Turner, Martin Leo Turner, Clovis Bings Turner, Roy Turner,
Coy Turner.
Turner Grandchildren
C. B. Turner, Norris Fanning, Donald Turner, Peggy Turner, Rosemary
Fanning, Sandra Nance, Bradley Nance, John Allen Fanning, Bobby Nance,
Dora Ann Turner, Diana Fanning, Carolyn Bacon, Judy Turner
Family 1969
Shirley Photo Album
Susan Dora Shirley Turner
She was born 07/17/1885
in Douglas County Georgia. She Married Allen Turner in 1906 at Pittsburg
Texas. She died 02/06/1971 in Mt. Pleasant, Texas. She is buried at Hopewell
Cemetary in Wood County, Texas
Shirley Family about 1910
This photo
was taken of Carrie and husband John Shirley, and Connie Shirley about
Dora and Connie about 1940
Susan Dora
Shirley Turner visits sister Connie Shirley Metcalf.
Shirley Family about 1967
This photo
of John Shirley, his wife Carrie, and Susan Dora Shirley Turner was taken
in the 1960's.
On the back of the picture Dora noted it was the first time they had
all dined together since they were children.